Ron Hughes
Born and raised in NE Ohio, son of a teacher and track coach. I was thrust into the athletic world at an early age… as in while my peers got time-outs, I got burpees/push-ups/and plank holds as forms of corrective action. Needless to say I was pretty strong by 1st grade.
In 2003 I began an undergraduate pharmaceutical science program at CSU. The first two years went well, however when I got to Organic Chemistry I decided being a pharmacist was way overrated. I opted for a banking career and spent the next 8 years in various loan underwriting and mortgage processing positions.
In an attempt to maintain some level of activity while sitting in a cubicle at the bank,I discovered my passion for strength training. Weighing 120 lbs and standing 5’9 I began my fitness journey as a means to gain weight. I soon found myself getting through work days by daydreaming about what I was doing at the gym that night- fitness became my light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.
I became an ACE Certified Personal Trainer in 2015. I believe exercise is essential to living a well balanced life. I’m confident an inner athlete live within all of us and embrace the challenge of unlocking my clients physical potential. I incorporate functional training into my workouts, making sure work done in the gym improves performance outside the gym. I strive to make each workout a challenging learning experience, ensuring my clients know proper form and ensuing benefits from each exercise.